Annual Dinners on a budget

Who doesn't love a party at the end of the year? It's the only thing kids look forward to at the end of the school or college year (besides the school holidays!) and this doesn't change when we grow up.

  1. It's an excuse to get someone to be your date and to have some fun with friends and office mates. Sure, the Annual Dinner budget is the first to be cut in difficult times, but think how much hard work your students or staff put in in both good AND bad times.

    Planning an Annual Dinner is as fun as going to one. We get to plan the theme, the menu, the prizes, the entertainment and the thank you gift, plus the most important thing: what to wear!!

    So how can an Annual Dinner be organized on a tight budget? Easy! Just follow the steps below:

    1. Instead of using a poshy hotel with expensive menus, choose a nice cosy restaurant which provides entertainment.

  2. If you decide to go ahead with a hotel, choose to have your annual dinner during the off-peak season. You might be able to get a better deal then. You can even have a BBQ party. The objective is to enjoy yourself!

  3. Choose a theme which everybody can dress to without burning a hole in their pockets eg. a Class of the 1980's or a Music era theme. Even a corporate colour theme is good.
4. Come up with your own games. 3-5 games are more than enough to keep the crowd entertained.
5. Hire a DJ. DJs help to liven a party with their choice of music. They usually can help throw in a few games for you too.
6. Get useful prizes such as eco-friendly bulbs, home-baked cookies, store vouchers or make them yourself. You'll be surprised to know how many talented staff a company has.
7. Decorate the place yourself or choose a venue which already has a nice decor.
Not that difficult eh? Now just get everybody involved no matter how busy they are and it should be one blast of a party!
