Things to do on your days off

It's difficult to comprehend how some people can say that they feel bored. How do they even have the time to feel bored? I wish there were more hours in the day so that I could slip in a few minutes of siesta and spend some leisurely time in front of the TV or read a book.

So just in case you ARE one of those who feel like you have more time, why not try these activities? It's much better than spending hours in a mall, I feel!

  • Take up a dance lesson two or more!

  • Pick up a hobby ie gardening or scrap booking

  • Learn how to scuba dive

  • Learn how to bake

  • Try your hand (arms, legs and body!) at paint ball

  • Read or rent a DVD

  • Make a music video

  • Clean the house

  • Go sphereing (we put you in a transparent ball with secure belts of course and off you go down the hill!). Talk about an adrenelin rush! (pix above)

  • Take a drive to Serendah waterfalls and back

  • Learn how to make a teddy bear

  • Hold a tea party

  • Raise some funds with BEST EVENTS

  • Play with your pet or volunteer at SPCA or PAWS to clean and play with theirs!

  • Go on an Adventure Race

  • Polish your silver

  • Discover the caves, lakes and mountains that Malaysia has to offer

  • Visit your relatives/friends

  • Enrol your kids in BEST EVENTS' craft classes (and free yourself for some pampering at a spa)
  • Take part in the Global Peace Festival at Bukit Jalil from Oct 17-19. For more info, go to:
  • Watch Eagle Eye! Love the car crashing (and crushing scenes!) It's as if you're actually there!

Highlighted in lilac are the activites that BEST EVENTS can help you organize and rid you of your panicky moments. : )
